Genre Fantasy
Numéro ISBN 9781607068471
Pagination 120
Scenario Harris
Date de parution 08-01-14
Langue EN
Brand Code Image comics
Cover artiest Gaydos, Michael
Couverture TPB
Poids 448
Diamond Code NOV130438
Date de parution 01-01-2014
Disponible Prix BD Web Membre: 16,99

Plus d'infos

BACK IN PRINT! 1938: J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are called upon by eccentric fellow fantasist Charles Williams to join him against occultist Aleister Crowley. Crowley seeks an entrance into the Heavenly realms with the intent of manipulating the angelic battles that shape human history and thus mold the world according to his will. Their conflict with Crowley will take this trio of authors - part of the writer's group 'the Inklings' - to the very edge of Heaven and one of the Inklings outside time itself!