Langue EN
Date de parution 05-04-95
Pagination 112
Éditeur Dark Horse
Scenario John Byrne
Poids 400
Upc 978156971058651495
Cover artiest John Byrne
Délai de livraison Disponible
Diamond Code STAR01027
Date de parution 25-02-2023
Disponible Prix BD Web Membre: 8,00 Prix de vente conseillé € 14,95

Plus d'infos

In 1960, four heroes fought to save the world. In 2060, who will fight to reclaim it? A freak accident gave four friends strength and abilities that set them apart from normal men, and they used these abilities to fight the tide of evil as Danger Unlimited! Fast forward to the far-flung future, when the never-ending battle is actually nearing its end and the side of justice is losing…

(Reprints the entire Danger Unlimited series minus the back-up stories, but including the final page of #4 which was removed when the book was cancelled, plus portions of San Diego Comic Con Comics #2.)